Auction 223 Nuno de Castro Collection – Chinese Porcelain at the Time of the Empire | Antiques and Works of Art, Rare Books, Modern and Contemporary Art
By Cabral Moncada Leilões
Dec 11, 2023
Rua Miguel Lupi, 12 A/D . 1200-725 Lisboa Portugal
Exhibition: December 4th (Monday) to December 10th (Sunday) - from 14h to19h
The auction has ended

LOT 336:


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Sold for: €800
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Estimated price :
€800 - €1,200
Buyer's Premium: 24.6%
Auction took place on Dec 11, 2023 at Cabral Moncada Leilões

PEDRO, D. (Conde de Barcelos).- NOBILIARIO | DE D. PEDRO | CONDE DE BARCELOS | HIJO DEL REY D. DIONIS | DE PORTVGAL. | ORDENADO Y ILVSTRADO | COM NOTAS Y INDICES | POR IVAN BAVTISTA LAVAÑA | CORONISTA MAYOR DEL REINO | DE PORTVGAL.- En Roma: Por Estevan Paolinio, 1640.- [14 (i. e. 12)], 402, [36], 46, [7, 1 br.] p.: 1 frontispício gravado; 40 cm.- E.
D. Pedro, Count of Barcelos (1287-1354), natural son of King D. Dinis I, a prominent figure in peninsular medieval culture. We owe him the compilation of the songs of the Galician-Portuguese troubadours, the “General Chronicle of Spain”, from 1344 and the “Book of Lineages” whose Quarto or Nobiliário Book we find here in its rare original edition (the second was published in Madrid, in 1646). The four parts of the “Book of Lineages” (only fragments of the second and third books have reached us) were only published in the 19th century, by Alexandre Herculano, in the collection “Portugaliae Monumenta Historica, Série Scriptores”. The structure of the copy develops as follows:. 1 - Allegorical frontispiece engraved in copperplate print (with some restorations); 2 - Title page (with old ownership erased); 3 - Text «Al lector», signed by printer Estevan Paolinio (1 f.); 4 - Prologue by Count D. Pedro (1 f.); 5 - Index of titles I, II and III (1 f., wrongly bound before the dedication); 6 - Dedication to Manuel de Moura Corte-Real, 2nd Marquis of Castel Rodrigo, signed by Juan Baptista Lavanha (2 f., last with blank back); 6 - Prologue by Count D. Pedro (f. +5); 7 - Text, starting in paragraph 16 of title III (p. 1 to 402); 8 - Pequena nota sobre a continuação do Nobiliário (1 f., with blank verso); 9 - Indice de los apellidos [e títulos] deste nobiliario (4 f.); 10 - Indice dos nomes propios dos varoes deste nobiliario (13 f.); 11 - Notas del Marques de Montebello al Nobiliario del Conde D. Pedro (p. 1 to 46); 12 - Tabla de los apellidos, y solares... (4 f.). Carefully washed copy, with some restorations on the final pages, occasional slight stains, missing the half-title, but preserving the “Notas del Marqves de Montebelo” and the final “Tablas” that are missing in most known copies. Interesting handwritten note at the bottom of the last printed page: It cost 4:500 rs. in Jan. from 1693. Recent binding, full natural sheepskin, with blind tooling on the covers and gold florets between the sectionss of the spine. Samodães, 2366. Palau, 133210.

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