Auction 9 Major Sale - Rabbinical Autographs, Rare Manuscripts, Printed Books and Judaica.
By Taj Art
Jun 25, 2023
16 Betzalel st. Jerusalem 94591, Israel
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LOT 37:

Sodot Gedolim MeChachmei HaEmet. Constantinople, 1515.

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Sold for: $16,000 (₪58,080)
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$ 4,000
Estimated price :
$8,000 - $12,000
Buyer's Premium: 25% More details
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Auction took place on Jun 25, 2023 at Taj Art
tags: Books

Sodot Gedolim MeChachmei HaEmet. Constantinople, 1515.

Ancient Kabbalah book- One of the first books printed in Constantinople, from the writings of Rabbi Moshe de Leon- revealer of the Zohar.


The Second Kabbalah Book Printed in Constantinople. First Print of Writings of The Kabbalist, Rabbi Moshe de Leon, Who Publicized of the Zohar.

Sodot Gedolim MeChachmei HaEmet, excerpted from the book, Avkat Rochel that is attributed to Rabbi Mechir son of Yitzchak Sar Chessed.
Assorted handwritten glosses in ancient Sephardic script, dating back to the time period of the book’s printing.

Various Sections of the Book and Their Source:
The majority of the book, Avkat Rochel appears in this composition that was printed in Constantinople in the early days of Hebrew printing there. Some copies of Sodot Gedolim MeChachmei HaEmet originally commenced with 6 leaves of ‘Part 1’ which included ‘Otot eser milchamot Melech HaMashiach’. This section (not present in this copy) was copied from Machzor Vitri, p.736-739.
Sections 3-5 from Avkat Rochel were printed in this copy as the main content of the book entitled, Sodot Gedolim MeChachmei HaEmet.
Sections 1-3:
Section 1: Din hanefashot begehinom shel matah v’shel ma’alah….and Gan Eden.
Section 2: Fundamentals of the World to Come.
Section 3: Esoteric matters of resurrection of the deceased.
Following this, Section 6 of Avkat Rochel is printed, regarding the creation of a person, his 248 limbs, and gematriot in the Torah.
The first leaf features a poem commencing, “Petach sefer yesod Torah meva’er” authored by Rabbi Moshe de Leon (see more details on this: Davidson, Otzar HaShirah VeHapiut 3, No. 245).
The Mystery of the Author’s Identity:

Throughout the years, this book was attributed to Rabbi Mechir son of Yitzchak Sar Chessed, a disciple of The Rosh. In fact, the author of these writings was Rabbi Moshe de Leon, revealer of the Zohar. His writings were later printed in his book, HaNefesh HaChachmah (Basel 1609, Ch. 2-6).
These writings were also printed under the title, Matok LeNefesh and were erroneously attributed to Rabbi Avraham Zechut.
Constantinople, 1516. Post-Incunable. Second Kabbalah book to be printed in Constantinople. First print. From the writings of Rabbi Moshe de Leon, revealer of the Zohar.
[14] leaves. Orginally, likely [20] leaves. Some copies were published without the first 6 pages that includes section 1 regarding a separate topic to the rest of the book, and comes from a different source. 19 cm. Good condition. Thick, quality paper. Without binding (as was its original state).
Ya’ari, Hebrew Printing in Constantinople, No. 44.

Otzar HaSefarim, Ben-Yaakov, p. 6, No. 123, and pl. 388, No. 2611.

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