Auction 3
By Tiferet Auctions
Mar 13, 2019
12 Beit Hadfus Street, Jerusalem, Israel

פריטים נדירים ומיוחדים מעיזבון רבי ישראל חיים האס המכונה סופרם של גדולי ישראל ובראשם אדמורי"ם הקדושים לבית וויז'ניץ לדורתיהם.

כן גם פרטים מעיזבון רבי משה טוביה גרינצוויג משב"ק של הרה"ק רבי אהרן מבעלזא זיע"א ושל כ"ק אדמו"ר ממכנובקה זצ"ל..

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LOT 40:

Diverei Chaim two parts. Special edition Jerusalem 1946. Personal copy from the Admo"r Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Kalish of ...

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Start price:
$ 100
Buyer's Premium: 20%
VAT: 18% On commission only
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Auction took place on Mar 13, 2019 at Tiferet Auctions

Diverei Chaim two parts. Special edition Jerusalem 1946. Personal copy from the Admo"r Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Kalish of Skierniewice.
Sefer Divrei Chaim, two parts. Special edition with endorsement from Rabbi Yitzchok Yeshaya Halberstam of Tchetchov. Was published by his grandson the author Rabbi Yaakov Halberstam of Tschakava. Jerusalem 1946. Stamp from Rebbe Yosef Zvi Kalisch of Skierniewice.
Part one, Divrei Chaim on Torah. [2], 82 pages.
Part two. Divrei Chaim on Moadim, V'Chadוshim on Baba Metzia. [2] 116 pages. 28cm.
Cover a little separated. General condition very good.
Admo"r Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Kalisch. (1885-1957) Grandson of Hrh"k Rabbi Yitzchok of Warka. From when his father passed away in the year 1827 he started serving as Admo"r of Skierniewice (Poland). At the outbreak of the Second World War he escaped to Warsaw and succeeded to catch the last train that left the city and so he was rescued. At the end of his days he settled in Bnei Brak until his passing erev Shabbat the 30th day of Shevat 1947, and he was buried in Tiberia in the section of Talmidai HaBaal Shem Tov.

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